seit Jänner 2017 am Forschungsinstitut für Limnologie, Mondsee der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (LFUI) in der Forschungsgruppe ‘Ökologie und Taxonomie planktischer Ciliaten’
im FWF-Projekt Endosymbiontische Algen und deren Ciliaten-Wirte: Morphologie, Phylogenie, Ökologie (P28333-B25), PI B. Sonntag & T. Pröschold, Laufzeit April 2016 – März 2021
Expertise: Systematik, Taxonomie und molekulare Phylogenie von (Grün-) Algen und Protisten
Wissenschaftlicher Lebenslauf
Jan 2017 – present Post Doc am Forschungsinstitut für Limnologie, Mondsee der Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (LFUI) in der Forschungsgruppe ‘Ökologie und Taxonomie planktischer Ciliaten’ im FWF-Projekt Endosymbiontische Algen und deren Ciliaten-Wirte: Morphologie, Phylogenie, Ökologie (P28333-B25), PI B. Sonntag & T. Pröschold, Laufzeit April 2016 – März 2021
Sept 2015 – Aug 2016 University Professor für Taxonomie und Systematik von Mikroalgen, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Feb 2015 – Dez 2016 (Gast) Wissenschafter an der Sammlung von Algenkulturen SAG, Universität Göttingen, Deutschland
Okt 2014 Habilitation an der Universität Wien (A): Generic and species concepts in green algae (Chlorophyta)
Jul 2011–Dez 2013 Postdoc an der Universität Rostock (D), Department of Applied Ecology bei Ulf Karsten
Feb 2010–Jun 2011 Postdoc an der Universität Wien (A), Department of Limnology bei Michael Schagerl
Jun 2004–Okt 2009 Phykologe und Molekularbiologe bei der Kulturensammlung von Algen und Protozoen (CCAP) am SAMS, Dunbeg bei Oban (Schottland)
Apr 2003–Feb 2004 Postdoc an der Universität Köln (D), Botanisches Institut I (DFG-Projekt ‚Generic and species concept among the Volvocales‘)
Feb 2002–Mär 2003 Postdoc an der Brown Universität in Providence, Rhode Island (USA), Department BioMed bei Annette Coleman (DFG-Projekt ‚Generic and species concept among the Volvocales‘)
Sep 1999–Dez 2001 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Köln (D), Botanisches Institut I
Feb 1998–Jan 1999 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Göttingen (D), Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut für Pflanzenforschung, Department Systematische Botanik
Sep 1991–Sep 1994 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Göttingen (D), Institut für Pflanzenphysiologie
Nov 1997 Doktorat an der Universität Göttingen (D), Sammlung von Algenkulturen (SAG) zum Thema: Gametogenese bei einzelligen Grünalgen
Aug 1991 Diplom an der Universität Göttingen (D), Sammlung von Algenkulturen (SAG) zum Thema: Zur Oogamie bei Chlamydomonas
Okt 1989 Master in Botanik, Mikrobiologie und Physikalischer Chemie an der Universität Göttingen (D)
Apr 1988 Bachelor in Botanik, Mikrobiologie und Anorganischer und Physikalischer Chemie an der Universität Göttingen (D)
Spanner C, Darienko T, Biehler T, Sonntag B, Pröschold T (2020) Endosymbiotic green algae in Paramecium bursaria: A new isolation method and a simple diagnostic PCR approach for the identification, Diversity 12: 240 PDF
Pröschold T, Pitsch G, Darienko T (2020) Micractinium tetrahymenae (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta), a new endosymbiont isolated from ciliates. Diversity 12:200 PDF
Pröschold T, Darienko T, Guiry MD (2020) Nomenclatural corrections in the green algal genus Deuterostichococcus Pröschold & Darienko (Trebouxiophyceae), Notulae algarum 137 PDF
Pröschold T, Darienko T (2020) The green puzzle Stichococcus (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta): New generic and species concept among this widely distributed genus. Phytotaxa 441(2): 113-142 PDF
Darienko T, Rad-Menéndez C, Campbell C, Pröschold T (2019) Are there any true marine Chlorella species? Molecular phylogenetic assessment and ecology of marine Chlorella-like organisms, including a description of Droopiella gen. nov. Systematics and Biodiversity 17: 811-829 PDF
Darienko T, Kang W, Orzechowski AK, Pröschold T (2019). Pleurastrosarcina terriformae, a new species of a rare desert trebouxiophycean alga discovered by an integrative approach. Extremophiles 23: 573-586 PDF
Darienko T, Pröschold T (2019) Reevaluation and discovery of new species of the rare genus Watanabea and establishment of Massjukichlorella gen. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) using an integrative approach. J Phycol 55: 493-499 PDF
Darienko T, Pröschold T (2019) The genus Jaagichlorella Reisigl (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) and its close relatives: an evolutionary puzzle. Phytotaxa 388: 47-68 PDF
Darienko T, Pröschold T (2018). Watanabea borysthenica sp. nov., including ‘Watanabea pyrenoidosa’nom. inval. (Trebouxiaceae, Trebouxiophyceae). Notulae Algarum 73: 1-4 PDF
Pröschold T, Darienko T (2018) The distinctions between Chlamydomonas incerta Pascher and Chlamydomonas globosa J.W. Snow and their taxonomic consequences. Notulae Algarum 56: 1-4 PDF
Pröschold T, Darienko T, Krienitz L, Coleman AW (2018) Chlamydomonas schloesseri sp. nov. (Chlamydophyceae, Chlorophyta) revealed by morphology, autolysin cross experiments, and multiple gene analyses. Phytotaxa 362: 21-38 PDF
Darienko T, Lukesova A, Pröschold T (2018) The polyphasic approach revealed new species of Chloroidium (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Phytotaxa 372: 51-66 PDF
Darienko T, Pröschold T (2018) The establishment of Diplosphaera epiphytica sp. nov. and its distinction from Chlorella sphaerica Tschermak-Woess. Notulae algarum 54: 1-4 PDF
Pröschold T, Darienko T (2018) The distinctions between Chlamydomonas incerta Pascher and Chlamydomonas globosa J.W. Snow and their taxonomic consequences. Notulae algarum 56: 1-4 PDF
Pröschold T, Darienko T, Krienitz L, Coleman AW (2018) Chlamydomonas schloesseri sp. nov. (Chlamydophyceae, Chlorophyta) revealed by morphology, autolysin cross experiments, and multiple gene analyses. Phytotaxa 362: 021-038 PDF
Darienko T, Pröschold T (2017) Toward a monograph of non-marine Ulvophyceae using an integrative approach (Molecular phylogeny and systematics of terrestrial Ulvophyceae II) Phytotaxa 324: 1-41
Albrecht M, Pröschold T, Schumann R (2017) Identification of cyanobacteria in a eutrophic coastal lagoon on the southern Baltic coast. Frontiers in Microbiol 8: 923
Gustavs L, Schiefelbein U, Darienko T, Pröschold T (2017): Symbioses of the green algal genera Coccomyxa and Elliptochloris (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). In Seckbach J, Grube M, Muggia L (eds): Algae and Cyanobacteria Symbioses. pp. 169-208
Darienko T, Gustavs L, Pröschold T (2016) Species concept and nomenclatural changes within the genera Elliptochloris and Pseudochlorella (Trebouxiophyceae) based on an integrative approach. J Phycol 52: 1125-1145
Darienko T, Gustavs L, Eggert A, Wolf W, Pröschold T (2015) Evaluating the species boundaries of green microalgae (Coccomyxa, Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) using integrative taxonomy and DNA barcoding with further implications for the species identification in environmental samples. PLOS One 10: e0127838
Darienko T, Pröschold T (2015) Genetic variability and taxonomic revision of the genus Auxenochlorella (Shihira et Krauss) Kalina et Puncocharova (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). J Phycol 51: 394-400
Allewaert CC, Vanormelingen P, Pröschold T, Gomez PI, Gonzalez MA, Bilcke G, D‘Hondt S, Vyverman W (2015) Species diversity in European Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae, Volvocales). Phycologia 54: 583-598
Kitzing C, Pröschold T, Karsten U (2014) UV-induced effects on growth, photosynthetic performance and sunscreen contents in different populations of the green alga Klebsormidium fluitans (Streptophyta) from alpine soil crusts. Microbial Ecol 67: 327-340
Karsten U, Pröschold T, Mikhailyuk T, Holzinger A (2013) Photosynthetic performance of different genotypes of the green alga Klebsormidium sp. (Streptophyta) isolated from biological soil crusts of the Alps. Algol Stud 142: 45-62
González MA, Pröschold T, Palacios Y, Aguayo P, Inostroza I, Gómez PI (2013) Taxonomic identification and lipid production of two Chilean Chlorella-like strains isolated from a marine and an estuarine coastal environment. AoB Plants 5: 1-12
Blanc G, Agarkova I, Grimwood J, Kuo A, Brueggeman A,Dunigan DD, Gurnon J, Ladunga I, Lindquist E, Lucas S, Pangilinan J, Pröschold T, Salamov A, Schmutz J, Weeks D, Yamada T, Lomsadze A, Borodovsky M, Claverie J-M, Grigoriev IV, Van Etten JL (2012) The genome of the polar eukaryotic microalga Coccomyxa subellipsoidea reveals traits of cold adaptation. Genome Biol 13: R39
Chen C, Barfuss MHJ, Pröschold T, Schagerl M (2012) Hidden genetic diversity in the green alga Spirogyra (Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta). BMC Evol Biol 12: 77
Krienitz L, Bock C, Kotut K, Pröschold T (2012) Genotypic diversity of Dictyosphaerium-morphospecies (Chlorellaceae, Trebouxiophyceae) in African inland waters, including the description of four new genera. Fottea 12: 231-253
Demchenko E, Mikhailyuk T, Coleman AW, Pröschold T (2012) Generic and species concepts in Microglena (previously the Chlamydomonas monadina group) revised using an integrative approach. Eur J Phycol 47: 264-290
Bock C, Krienitz L, Pröschold T (2011) Taxonomic reassessment of the genus Chlorella (Trebouxiophyceae) using molecular signatures (barcodes), including description of seven new species. Fottea 11: 293-312
Bock C, Pröschold T, Krienitz L (2011) Updating the genus Dictyosphaerium and description of Mucidosphaerium gen. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae) based on morphological and molecular data. J Phycol 47: 638-652
Caisova L, Marin B, Sausen N, Pröschold T, Melkonian M (2011) Polyphyly of Chaetophora and Stigeoclonium within the Chaetophorales (Chlorophyceae), revealed by sequence comparisons of nuclear-encoded SSU rRNA genes. J Phycol 47: 164-177
Pröschold T, Darienko T, Silva PC, Reisser W, Krienitz L (2011) The systematics of „Zoochlorella“ revisited employing an integrative approach. Environ Microbiol 13: 350-364
Krienitz L, Bock C, dadheech PK, Pröschold T (2011) The Mychonastes-clade of Chlorophyceae and the dispute on conception of orders in green algae. Phycologia 50: 89-106
Dadheech PK, Ballot A, Casper P, Kotut K, Novelo E, Lemma B, Pröschold T, Krienitz L (2010) Mexican Arthrospira strains show phylogenetic divergence to strains of East African and Indian origin deduced by 16S rRNA-ITS and phycocyanin operon sequences. Phycologia 49: 361-372
Bock C, Pröschold T, Krienitz L (2010) Two new Dictyosphaerium-morphotype lineages of the Chlorellaceae (Trebouxiophyceae): Heynigia gen. nov. and Hindakia gen. nov. Eur J Phycol 45: 267-277
Krienitz L, Bock C, Luo W, Pröschold T (2010) Polyphyletic origin of the Dictyosphaerium-morphotype within Chlorellaceae (Trebouxiophyceae). J Phycol 46: 559-563
Day JG, Pröschold T, Friedl T, Lorenz M, Silva PC (2010) Conservation of microalgal type material: approaches needed for 21st century science. Taxon 59: 3-6
Pröschold T, Bock C, Luo W, Krienitz L (2010) Polyphyletic origin of bristle formation in Chlorellaceae: Micractinium, Didymogenes and Hegewaldia gen. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Phycol Res 58: 1-8
Luo W, Pröschold T, Bock C, Krienitz, L (2010) Generic concept in Chlorella-related coccoid green algae (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae). Plant Biol 12: 545-553
Darienko T, Gustavs L, Mudimu O, Rad Menendez C, Schumann R, Karsten U, Friedl T, Pröschold T (2010) Chloroidium, a common terrestrial coccoid green alga previously assigned to Chlorella (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Eur J Phycol 45: 79-95